In the rare case that you find the cuckoo clock does not match your expectations of what you ordered online, we offer a full 30 day return guarantee on all our cuckoo clocks as long as the clock is in the same condition it is in when they arrived.
That is why we kindly ask that when you receive your clock we recommend that you retain all packaging and instruction documents for 30-days. In the unlikely event that you should have to return the clock this will minimise the likelihood of any damage being caused in transit and of safe return of the clock - this is vital to you gaining the full amount of your return.
This refund policy applies to all European customers however, for all non-European customers, we work through each return on a different basis due to geographical distances and higher courier costs. If you are a non-European customer then please also refer to our 'Non-European or Non-UK-mainland Returns Policy'.
For all purchases over £150, and below £400, we refund 100% of the price you paid for the clock. We also pay for all of the shipping & returns costs as long as it is returned in as close to its original condition as possible to our inspection team or the manufacturer. They will have the final say as to whether the clock is still in good condition so please keep all packaging and make sure the clock is undamaged, and repacked to the best of your ability. We will assist you with the return shipping details and organise a freight service for you - but please contact us first so we can discuss shipping arrangements and help you as best we can. Please note that if the purchase is UNDER £150 or above £400 then unfortunately the cost of freight to return the product to the manufacturer is incurred by yourself. We will do our upmost to make sure the return of your clock is as smooth as possible. Refunds will be given in the same form of payment as the original purchase. You will be refunded when we are in receipt of your return. If you want to return your goods, please email us at BEFORE returning your cuckoo clock so our friendly customer service team can provide you with the best methods and details to return the item. For clocks over the price of £400, unfortunately, we cannot give 100% of the return price due to the large losses that we incur due to a change of heart of this price. When we receive a "change-of-heart" clock, our clockmakers do not accept them back since they are considered second-hand. Therefore, for any clocks over the price of £400, we strongly suggest that you only make this purchase if you are sure you will want the clock. We offer a refund of 75% of the retail price for all clocks over £400.
This refund policy applies to all European customers however, for all non-European customers, we work through each return on a different basis due to geographical distances and higher courier costs. If you are a non-European customer then please also refer to our 'Non-European or Non-UK-mainland Returns Policy'.
We would love to treat all customers equally but due to higher courier costs for shipments back from non-European or non-UK-mainland customers, we must treat these cases differently.
Unfortunately, this means that we cannot give the same 'change-of-heart' policy to non-European or non-UK-mainland customers - any purchases made will be final. In the case that a clock may display a fault or mechanical error, we will work with you to find a suitable repair person in you local area (i.e. we will assist you in looking for a local repair shop/service who is either officially recommended by our manufacturers, or who we have found to be suitable). Once the repair has been carried out we ask that an invoice or receipt be supplied so that we can refund you the amount for the repair. HOWEVER PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to refuse a repair if the costs exceed what we believe are reasonable for that repair or if no local repair person can be found that is adequately experienced for the repair. For this reason, if we cannot find a reasonable and cost-effective solution for a mechanical error then a solution will need to be found without our help. This is the risk that needs to be understood by all Non-European or Non-UK-mainland.
All of our cuckoo clocks are brand new, sent fresh from the clockmakers (in either Germany, Italy or Switzerland) to your delivery address. All clocks are tested for 24 hours before being packaged and dispatched. If you have received your cuckoo clock but something isn't working as you expect then we will do our best to solve the issue.
Firstly, it is important to note that many mechanical cuckoo clocks (and even some battery-powered ones) have either wires, tabs, strings, and/or clasps which hold certain parts of the clock in place during transit. These need to be fully removed before the clock can work as expected. We recommend that you carefully double-check the instructions to make sure that all of these are removed and that the clock is setup as expected.
In the unlikely event of a clock arriving with an defect, we advise that you please report this to us within four business days (from the date the clock was first delivered to you, the recipient). Please give us as much detail as possible about how the issue was found and what the issue is. If possible, send us photos or video to display the issue. Once you have informed us of the issue within the four-business-day period, then we can take the necessary steps to rectify the issue as soon as possible. It is our obligation to our clockmakers to try and debug the issue remotely by using their steps as a guide. If this fails to solve the issue then the next step for us is to send the clock to one of our local agents or, failing that possibility, we reserve the right to offer a full refund back to you, or organise for the clock to be sent back to the clockmaker for a repair or exchange. In the case of a repair, all costs will be covered by us, as long as you have reported the damage to us within four business days of receiving the clock.
If you are not able to run the clock due to the clock being a present for someone else, then we advise that, once you discover an issue, you make sure to take note (in photos or in great written detail) of the issue so that we can assist.
All of our cuckoo clocks are brand new, sent fresh from the clockmakers (in either Germany, Italy or Switzerland) to your delivery address. All efforts are made by the clockmaker to ensure that all the clocks they send are packaged safely and securely to minimise the chances of them being damaged in transit. Each year, our clockmakers send thousands of clocks to customers all around the world and so their packaging methods and materials are tried and tested.
However, in the unlikely event of a clock arriving 'damaged in transit', we advise that you please report this to us within four business days (from the date the clock was first delivered to you, the recipient). Once you have informed us of the damage within the four-business-day period, then we can take the necessary steps to rectify the issue as soon as possible, either by repairing the damage with one of our local agents, or by sending the clock back to the clockmaker for a repair or exchange. All costs will be covered by us, as long as you have reported the damage to us within four business days of receiving the clock.
If you, the recipient, has inspected the clock for damage AFTER the four-day period, then we will work with you to resolve the issues, but please understand that, depending on the severity of the damage, we cannot cover all the costs for couriers and the repairs. Also, if you plan to give the clock to someone else as a present which may be opened more than four business days after the delivery date, then we advise that you please first open the box yourself, within four business days of receiving it, and double check that nothing is visibly damaged.
The reason for the four-day inspection period is due to the fact that, in the past, some customers accidentally damaged their clocks during setup, either by not properly reading the instructions, or by not securing the clocks to their walls properly or with adequate fixtures, or simply by dropping or banging their clocks. These customers then blamed the damage on couriers (even though they had received the clocks several days earlier without issue) and thus forced us to pay for the damages. After this, we decided to make a cut off period of four business days so that courier damage needed to be reported as soon as possible. We are very strict with sticking to this policy and so we appreciate if ALL customers can inspect their clocks upon delivery within the four-day period.
It is very important that you provide us with photos or videos showing the damage as soon as possible so that we can facilitate a plan of action for the repair. We cannot make arrangements or provide refunds unless we have photo or video proof that the clock is indeed damaged. Please email us at and make sure to attach your photos or videos of the damaged parts. It is also important that you you make sure to keep any broken parts in case they can either be used in repair of the clock or sent back to the manufacturer for inspection. In the case that the damage can be repaired by a local service provider, we will organise this for you at no extra expense. If the clock is beyond repair, then we can make arrangements to have the damaged clock returned and a replacement sent at the earliest opportunity. If you fail to do this before four business days of delivery, or if you have not provided us with substantial proof that the clock is indeed broken, then you shall be deemed to have accepted the goods in the condition in which they were delivered and no full or partial refund can be given.
We take it on good faith that our customers treat their new clocks with the utmost care and respect. Your clocks are working mechanical instruments for keeping time and though they are sturdy enough for regular home-life (and packaged with care for delivery), sometimes things can break. We first ask that all customers read the instructions thoroughly so as to understand how to hang, wind and readjust time on your clocks. We also ask that customers keep their manuals safely at hand so they can refer to them when adjustments need to be made. If however you believe you are not at fault for the break then please do let us know via email and make sure to provide photos and a description of what/how/when the clock broke. We will try our best to identify the issue and see if it can be fixed through adjustments or, in extreme cases and if your clock is still under warranty, send the clock to our official repairer. Unfortunately however we do not cover breakages that occur due to heavy-handedness and mistreatment of the clock as well as failure to properly read the instruction manual. If we receive the clock back and our inspectors or the manufacturer find that the clock has been mishandled then we will not give you your refund. Our definitions of 'heavy-handedness' includes:
If you have a change of heart after you have ordered but before your clock has arrived with us then please let us know as soon as possible. If the clock has not yet been shipped then we will refund you the full amount you paid for the clock. However, if the clock has already been shipped from either our warehouse or from the manufacturer then we cannot refund your order until it has reached your delivery destination. Once it has been received, and if you still wish to return it then please refer to the section on this page titled "How much will you be refunded for a 'change of heart' return?" for full instructions on how to proceed.
If you unsure about how to make adjustments on your cuckoo clock such as hanging, setting the time, moving to a new location etc, please refer to your installation manual and please don't hesitate to email us at we will gladly help you out.
Guarantees & Warranties
We have a two year warranty cover for all our clocks (unless otherwise stated by the manufacturer) that are deemed to be defective in parts or function. This excludes improper care or owner damage to the cuckoo clock (please refer to the section 'Has your clock broken within its warranty?'. In addition for all our clocks we have our 30 day return policy.
Genuine mechanical Black Forest cuckoo clocks come with this seal of approval from the Black Forest Clock Association (VdS) guaranteeing that you get a quality hand-made clock from one of the approved clock manufacturers.
Open a PDF version of the Certificate of Authenticity (in German with English translation)
Learn more about the Black Forest Clock Association